
Atom - Programmer Sheet

General Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + , Setttings
Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle command palette
Ctrl + Alt + R Reload Atom
Ctrl + Shift + M Markdown Preview
Ctrl + Alt + I Toggle Developer Tools
Ctrl + . Toggle Key Binding Resolver
Alt + Shift + S Show snippets

Files & Folders

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + N New file
Ctrl + Shift + N New Window
Ctrl + O Open file
Ctrl + P Open file (using search)
Ctrl + Shift + O Open folder
Ctrl + Shift + S Save as
Ctrl + Tab Move to next
Ctrl + Shift + Tab previous tab
Alt + [1-9] Show Specific Tab
Ctrl + W Close tab
Ctrl + K Close other tabs


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + G Go to line
Ctrl + L Select line
Ctrl + Shift + D Duplicate line
Ctrl + Shift + K Delete line
Ctrl + / Move line up/down
Ctrl + / Toggle line comment

Words and Characters

Shortcut Action
Alt + / Move to of previous/next word
Alt + B / F Move to of begin/end of word
Alt + Shift + B / F Select to of begin/end of word
Shift + / Select to of begin/end of character

Find and Replace

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + F Find in current file
Ctrl + Shift + F Find in project
F3 / Shift + F3 Find next/previous
Ctrl + Enter Replace all

Tree View

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + K Ctrl + B Toggle tree view
A Add file
Shift + A Add folder


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + K Split up
Ctrl + K Split down
Ctrl + K Split left
Ctrl + K Split right
Ctrl + Focus up
Ctrl + Focus down
Ctrl + Focus left
Ctrl + Focus right
Ctrl + K Ctrl + W Close pane

General Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Shift + Command + P Toggle command palette
Command + / Toggle line/selection comment
Ctrl + Space Show available auto-completions


Shortcut Action
Command + F Find in file
Command + G Find next
Shift + Command + F Find in project
Command + E Use selection for find

View/Window Manipulation

Shortcut Action
Command + \ Toggle tree-view sidebar
Ctrl + Command + F8 Toggle fullscreen
Command + K Split pane left
Command + K Split pane right
Command + K Split pane up
Command + K Split pane down
Command + K Command + Focus pane left
Command + K Command + Focus pane right
Command + K Command + Focus pane up
Command + K Command + Focus pane down

File Navigation

Shortcut Action
Command + P Toggle file finder
Ctrl + G Goto line
Command + R Goto symbol
Shift + Command + { / } Previous/next file
Command + F12 Set bookmark
F2 Goto next bookmark


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Command + [ / ] Fold/unfold current code block
Option + Shift + Command + [ / ] Fold/unfold all code blocks
Command + 1-9 Fold code blocks at depth 1-9

Word Manipulation

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + T Transpose characters either side of cursor
Option + Backspace Delete text to beginning of word
Option + Delete Delete text to end of word

Line Manipulation

Shortcut Action
Command + ] / [ Indent/outdent current line
Command + Enter Insert new line after current line
Command + Shift + Enter Insert new line before current line
Ctrl + Shift + K Delete current line
Ctrl + Command + / Move current line up/down
Shift + Command + D Duplicate current line
Command + J Join current and next lines


Shortcut Action
Command + D Select current word/token
Command + L Select current line
Option + Shift + / Select to beginning/end of word
Shift + Command + / Select to first/last character of line
Shift + Command + / Select to top/bottom of document