
Sublimetext - Programmer Sheet

Menu Control

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Shift + N New window
Ctrl + Shift + W Close window
Ctrl + O Open file
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen last file
Ctrl + N New file
Ctrl + S Save file
Ctrl + Shift + S Save file as
Ctrl + F4 Close file
Ctrl + W Close Sublime

Windows, Files, and Tabs

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + KB Toggle sidebar
Ctrl + Page Down/Page Up Move to next/previous open tab
Ctrl + Tab Move to next/previous open tab by stack (order they were opened)
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen last file
Ctrl + + / - Zoom – increase/decrease font size
Ctrl + P Quick Open – Show file list of currently opened file
Ctrl + F11 Toggle Distraction-free mode
Ctrl + Alt + Up Column selection up
Ctrl + Alt + Down Column selection Down
Ctrl + Shift + P Command Prompt
Ctrl + Shift + Alt P Show Scope in status bar
F11 Toggle Full Screen mode

Split Window

Shortcut Action
Alt + Shift + 1 Split layout to 1 column
Alt + Shift + 2 Split layout to 2 columns
Alt + Shift + 3 Split layout to 3 columns
Alt + Shift + 4 Split layout to 4 columns
Alt + Shift + 5 Split layout to 2 vertical and 2 horizontal grids (4 Groups)
Alt + Shift + 8 Split layout to 2 rows
Ctrl + [NUM] Jump to group where NUM is 1-4
Ctrl + Shift + [NUM] Move file to specified group where NUM is 1-4
Ctrl + K , then Arrow Up (with Ctrl pressed) Open new pane, and move current window into new pane
Ctrl + K , then Arrow Down Close current pane
Ctrl + K , then Arrow Left/Arrow Right Move to next pane to the left arrow/right arrow
Ctrl + K then Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right/Arrow Left Open new tab in pane to the left arrow/right arrow
Ctrl + 1...0 Jump to tab 1..10 in current pane


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Move one word left arrow/right arrow
Alt + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Move one sub-word left arrow/right arrow
PgUp / PgDo Move one page up arrow/down arrow
Home Move to beginning of line
End Move to end of line
Ctrl + Arrow Up/Arrow Down Scroll page up arrow/down arrow without changing cursor position
Ctrl + M Move to opening bracket of faction, repeat for closing bracket
Ctrl + R Show Function List and navigate
Ctrl + Shift + R Show Function List without changing cursor position
Ctrl + ; Go to word in current file
Ctrl + - / + on Numeric Keypad Jump forward/backwards to/from previous positions or selections


Shortcut Action
Shift + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Extend selection one character left arrow/right arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Extend selection one word left arrow/right arrow
Alt + Shift + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Extend selection one sub-word left arrow/right arrow
Shift + Arrow Up/Arrow Down Extend selection one line up arrow/down arrow
Shift + Page Up/Page Down Extend selection one page up arrow/down arrow
Shift + Home / End Extend selection to beginning/end of line
Ctrl + Shift + Home/End Extend selection to beginning of file/end of file
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + L Select Line
Ctrl + D Select current word, continue press D for expanding selection. Then continue in multi-line editing mode
Alt + D Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing mode
Ctrl + Shift + L With multiple lines selected – enter multi-line editing mode.
Esc Cancel selection
Ctrl + Shift + J Select lines in this indention
Ctrl + Shift + A Expand selection
Ctrl + Shift + Space Expand selection
Ctrl + Shift + M Select current function enclosed by brackets or parentheses
Ctrl + KU Change selection to upper case
Ctrl + KL Change selection to lower case

Cut, Copy, and Delete

Shortcut Action
Shift + Delete Cut
Ctrl + Insert Copy
Shift + Insert Paste
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste and match current indention
Ctrl + KV Paste from History
Delete Delete character to the right
Backspace Delete character to the left
Ctrl + Backspace Delete word to the left
Ctrl + Delete Delete word to the right
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Delete from cursor to beginning of line
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Delete from cursor to end of line

Undo and Redo

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
Ctrl + Y Redo or repeat

Find and Replace

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + F Find
F3 Find next
Shift + F3 Find previous
Alt + F3 (After selecting) Replace every selection
Ctrl + H Replace
Ctrl + I Incremental search
Ctrl + Shift + F Find in Files
Ctrl + F , Alt + Enter Find then Multi Edits
Ctrl + E Use selection to find field
Ctrl + Shift + E Use selection to replace field

Line Manipulation

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up/Arrow Down Move line or selection up arrow/down arrow
Ctrl + Enter Insert line after and position cursor at beginning of new line
Ctrl + J Join line below at end of current line
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down Duplicate lines (on Sublime 3 on Windows this seem to no longer work, try Ctrl+Shift+D instead)
Ctrl + T Transpose
F9 Sort Lines (case sensitive)
Shift + F9 Sort Lines (case insensitive)
Ctrl + ] / [ Indent/unindent
Ctrl + Shift + D Duplicate line or selection
Ctrl + Shift Arrow Up/Arrow Down Move line or selection up arrow/down arrow
Ctrl + S

Code Folding

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Shift + [ Fold selection
Ctrl + Shift + ] Unfold selection
Ctrl + K Then Press 1 Fold all
Ctrl + K Then Press J Unfold all
Ctrl + 2/9 Fold level


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + / Comment line
Ctrl + Shift + / Block comment


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + F2 New bookmark
F2 Next Bookmark
Shift + F2 Previous bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + F2 Clear bookmarks


Shortcut Action
F6 Toggle spell checking
Ctrl + F6 Find next misspelling
Ctrl + Shift + F6 Find previous misspelling
Ctrl + ` Toggle Console
Ctrl + V then W Toggle word wrap – View – Word wrap

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