VS Code

Netbeans - Programmer Sheet

Finding, searching, and replacing

Ctrl + F3 Search word at insert point
F3 Find next in file
Shift + F3 Find previous in file
Ctrl + F Find in file
Ctrl + H Replace in file
Alt + F7 Find usages
Ctrl + Shift + F Find in projects
Ctrl + Shift + H Replace in projects
Alt + Shift + U Find usages results
Alt + Shift + H Turn off search result highlights
Ctrl + R Rename
Ctrl + U then U Convert selection to uppercase
Ctrl + U then L Convert selection to lowercase
Ctrl + U then S Toggle case of selection
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste formatted
Ctrl + Shift + D Show Clipboard History
Ctrl + I Jump to quick search field
Alt + Shift + L Copy file path

Navigating through source code

Ctrl + O Go to type
Alt + Shift + O Go to file
Ctrl + Shift + T Go to JUnit test
Ctrl + Shift + B Go to source
Ctrl + B Go to declaration
Ctrl + G Go to line
Ctrl + Shift + M Toggle add/remove bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + . Next bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + , Previous bookmark
Ctrl + . Next usage/compile error
Ctrl + , Previous usage/compile error
Alt + Shift + . Select next element
Alt + Shift + , Select previous element
Ctrl + Shift + 1 Select in Projects
Ctrl + Shift + 2 SSelect in Files
Ctrl + Shift + 3 Select in Favorites
Ctrl + [ Move caret to matching bracket
Ctrl + K Next word match
Ctrl + Shift + K Previous word match
Alt + Go backward
Alt + Go forward
Ctrl + Q Go to last edit
Alt + / Down Next/previous marked occurence

Coding in C and C++

Alt + Shift + C Go to declaration
Ctrl + F9 Evaluate expression

Coding in Java

Alt + Insert Generate code
Ctrl + Shift + I Fix all class imports
Alt + Shift + I Fix selected class's import
Alt + Shift + F Format selection
Alt + Shift + / Shift lines left / right
Alt + Shift + / Shift lines up / down
Ctrl + Shift + R Rectangular Selection (Toggle)
Alt + Shift + / Copy lines up/down
Ctrl + F12 Inspect members/hierarchy
Ctrl + Shift + C Add comment lines
Ctrl + / Remove comment lines
Ctrl + E Delete current line

Compiling, testing and running

F9 Compile package / file
F11 Build main project
Shift + F11 Clean and build main project
Ctrl + Q Insert cursor at end of each line selected
Ctrl + L Create Unit test
Ctrl + F6 Run unit test on file
Alt + F6 Run unit test on project
F6 Run main project
Shift + F6 Run main file

Opening and toggling between views

Ctrl + Tab Switch between open documents by order used
Shift + Esc Maximize window (toggle)
Ctrl + F4 Close selected window
Ctrl + W Close selected window
Ctrl + Shift + F4 Close all windows
Shift + F10 Open contextual menu
Ctrl + Pgup or Ctrl + Pgdown Switch between open documents by order of tabs
Ctrl + Alt + T Reopen recently closed file
Ctrl + Alt + PgUp Toggle between editor types
Ctrl + Alt + Pgdown Toggle between editor types
Alt + Wheel up and wheel down Zoom text in / out
Ctrl + Shift + S Toggle inspect mode


Ctrl + F5 Start debugging main project
Ctrl + Shift + F5 Start debugging current file
Ctrl + Shift + F6 Start debugging test for file
Shift + F5 Stop debugging session
F5 Continue debugging session
F4 Run to cursor location in file
F7 Step into
F8 Step over
Ctrl + F7 Step out
Ctrl + Alt + Go to called method
Ctrl + Alt + Go to calling method
Ctrl + F9 Evaluate expression
Ctrl + F8 Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl + Shift + F8 New breakpoint
Ctrl + Shift + F7 New watch
Java editor code templates

When typing in the Source Editor, generate the text in the right-column below by typing the abbreviation that is listed in the left-column and then pressing Tab.

psvm public static void main
En Enumeration
Ex Exception
Psf public static final
Psfb public static final boolean
Psfi public static final int
Psfs public static final String
St String
ab abstract
as assert true
br break
bo boolean
ca catch
cl class
cn continue
db double
df default
eq equal
ex extends
pu public
pr private
pe protected
th throws
fy finally
im implements
ie interface
tw throw
ir import
le length
sout System.out.println()
soutv System.out.println("obj"+obj)
wh while
vo volatile
iof instanceof
fi final
fl float
sh short
psf private static final
psfb private static final boolean
psfi private static final int
psfs private static final String
pst printStackTrace()
bcom /**/
JSP Editor Code Templates
al windows.alert()
br break;
fun function${name}...
hi windows.history
dw document.write()
eq ${}equals
fa ${}false
lo ${}windows.location
re ${}return
Win $()window
ca ${}caseCatch()
catch catch
cond windows.consoledebug()
coni windows.console.info()
conl windows.console.log()
conw windows.console.warn()
ct ${}catch
do ${}document
iof ${}instanceof

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